Wednesday, January 4, 2012


I am not sure if I have ever legitimately made a New Year's Resolution that I have kept, for real. Motivation comes in spurts for me, but I feel a little bit extra this year. So many exciting life moments have happened in the past few months, and I am so overwhelmed with the joy, appreciation, and gratefulness that it makes me really want to carry each resolution through til the end. I believe they are all achievable and will make me a better/happier person. My fiance deserves that from me, and I deserve it more for myself. So cheers to living life the way it was meant to be lived.


1. Lose weight- cliche I know...
2. Lower my A1C
3. Take my blood sugar at least 5 times a day - like a good little diabetic should
4. Go to a design conference- If you know of any good ones coming up lemme know!
5. Learn how to use my new camera to its full potential- preferably before the honeymoon!
6. Save money- this is a little cliche too but very important... adulthood=not cheap
7. Wash my make-up off every night before I got to bed
8. Worry less and pray more
9. Take more First things First classes to better my relationship with Zack
10. Stay calm during the tough parts of newlywed-ism.

10 is a good number right? I could probably go on and on, but chances are the more resolutions I have the less attention each of the gets. So I am going to call it quits for now and pray the strength and determination to carry each of these through.

Now... If I could only wake up early enough to go to the gym...

Happy hump day!

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