Thursday, February 2, 2012

My life in photos: February

Something I stumbled upon at 3am this morning, while I was sugaring up my low blood sugar.
I saw this on Instagram and knew I wanted to be apart of it. The challenge was started on 
Fat Mum Slim Blog. The name intrigued me... and I was not let down. I fell in love with the blog, blogger, and the challenge. So this is my acceptance into #FEBPHOTOADAY. 

Since I came across this a day too late, I have to play a little catch up! 

Day 1: Your view today

This was my view today... in Target... spending too much money... again. But what a lovely view, eh?

Day 2: Words

Oh you know... just a love letter from my wonderful Fiance. I have lots of these. Actually a whole box, which happens to be over flowing. I read these tear jerking words very often to remind my self of the wonderful blessings God had handed me. One of them being that beautiful man who can right one heck of a love letter. Thats right... the 'why don't cha stand up in front of the class son, and read that award winning collection of words. That kinda talent shouldn't go unnoticed.' I hope he passes that down to our  children some day. Ahhh.... bliss. :)

1 comment:

  1. LOVE THIS! I wanna do it!Ill prob post mine at the end of the month lol Ive got to catch up to!
